How to protect and clean massage couch upholstery
Although you have invested a sizeable amount of time and money in getting your lovely new massage couch, it still remains a fact that couch upholstery, no matter what brand and even with the best care, will deteriorate over time. A good care routine will help you get the best out of your couch for the longest period. Read on for our tips to help safeguard premature ageing.
Cover up
Having carefully selected the perfect couch colour to fit with your room scheme you will, understandably, be reluctant to cover your couch. However, using good quality couch covers will significantly prolong the life of your upholstery. If left for any time, massage lotions, oils and creams, as well as the oils found naturally on the skin, will start the breakdown of the couch upholstery. By using a good quality cover such as brushed cotton or towelling (above 270gsm as the higher the number, the better the quality), you help combat the effects of seepage on your couch.
When your couch isn’t in use we strongly recommend that it is kept covered, whether that be couch covers or, if portable, packed away in its protective carry case.
Couch location
Where possible try to keep your couch away from direct heat sources. Extreme temperatures, heat from radiators, fires, electrical appliances, direct sunlight and even long periods inside a hot car can cause upholstery to stretch, pucker and eventually peel. Extreme cold can also affect upholstery by making it brittle and crack.
And now for the big question – cleaning!
You really can’t beat good old fashioned soap and water! In today’s fast paced world anti bacteria wipes and convenient sprays seem to be the ‘go to’ products. Unfortunately, they will often featured ingredients that may kill all sorts of germs and bacteria, but the high level of chemicals they contain will dry out the upholstery in the same way as extreme heat and cold.
Our experience suggests that a daily wash down routine where you gently wash with warm soapy water (avoiding anti bacterial and acidic citrus scents), rinse off with clean water and then pat dry with a soft cloth is the most effective method of cleaning.
Inside the couch
Back in 2005 we devised the Therafoam system. This essentially means that a triple layering of different foam types is used to create the best/most appropriate treatment surface. A quality foam will usually outlast the upholstery but you can still do your bit to improve longevity. If you use a flat couch with a face cradle frame, it can be beneficial to use the face cradle frame at either end of the couch. This will even out the wear.